The world of dating has changed quite a bit in the past few years whether it be because of new technology like dating apps, texting, etc. While it may seem harder to meet people in person in the New York area and start up a relationship, the internet can helpful if you need dating help.
Coming out of a long relationship can sometimes be upsetting and it can often hamper your ability to open up to someone new. Maybe you just need a little practice before you head back out into the dating world or maybe you need to brush up on your relationship skills before you find that special someone.
Whether you are interested in reading self help books about dating and relationships, you head out on more casual outings with your friends as practice or you practice on an outing, these are all beneficial ways to tap into the true you who is ready for a new relationship.
Practice Dating
To some it might sound like a rude idea but it’s really not if you go about it in a proper way. You go out on a casual date with someone who you don’t necessarily feel like you are going to hit it off with but you do so for the practice you may need for future, more important dates. Sometimes this idea is beneficial because it takes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to interact with people in a dating environment. You can lose some of that awkwardness that you sometimes feel when you are out with someone and there is a lot less pressure in this type of situation.
This might be a lot easier if you go out on a date with a friend who also knows the situation and is happy to help and get some practice themselves. It helps to be honest about the situation so nobody ends up getting hurt in the situation. You may want to ask somebody out for a casual evening or just ask them if they would like to hang out sometime with no strings attached.
Being upfront will ensure that your date doesn’t think something more serious is coming out of the night out and nobody is going to really get hurt. What isn’t really fair is starting up a full on relationship with someone for practice purposes and leading them on so they think you have legitimate feelings for them. A practice date really doesn’t serve a purpose past the first date because then you are getting to the point of leading someone on and having to be honest at some point which can be hurtful.
Escort Services
There is some stigma and misconceptions associated with escorts services. This type of situation is not about sexual relations. An escort service can provide you with a date for an event or simply for a night out and you can use this as a stepping stone for securing future dates with other people.
There are reputable companies that provide you with a companion for a certain night and you can use this as practice for other dates that you will go on. You may need someone to accompany you to a work event or you may have tickets to an event and need someone to go with you.
There isn’t a lot of pressure associated with using the services of an escort and you can feel at ease and comfortable with yourself. This will then come naturally to you more often when you are out with other people. This is a bit more helpful than going out with friends on practice dates because your escort is usually someone that you don’t know very well personally and you will be forced to get to know them, strike up conversation and navigate the evening.
This is a much better idea than practice dating with someone you don’t know well because the situation is understood by both of you and you know that this isn’t going to hurt anyone or lead anyone on. It technically is a business deal and you have the right to utilize this as a practice situation if you desire.